
  1. 2018
    • 04. PUR Production Line Complete
    • 08. Expansion of the joint venture in China (26,400㎡)
    • 09. Gyeongnam Star Enterprise Designation
  2. 2017
    • 03. Patent registration for manufacturing method of eco - friendly Styrofoam members
    • 12. Expansion of Deokgye Industrial Complex in Yangsan, Gyeongnam Province
  3. 2016
    • 04. Extension of Mercury Production Line
  4. 2014
    • 10. One Component Type Solvent Paint Composite Patent
  5. 2012
    • 10.Transition of Jin kwang CORP Corporation
  6. 2011
    • 04. Established Hanchokgwa, a joint plant in China
  1. 2007
    • 02. Establishment of a Attached Research Institute
  2. 2006
    • 11. INNO-BIZ authentication
  3. 2005
    • 09. ISO9001 Certified.
  4. 2001
    • 01. Relocation of the Noksan Industrial Complex in Gangseo-gu, Busan
  1. 1999
    • 06. LG Chemical Adhesives Supply
    • 07. Completed Mercury Production Line
  2. 1998
    • 05. Establishment of Jin Kwang Industry (Kimhae City, Kyungnam)
    • 06. Completion of PU adhesive Production LINE
    • 07. Hanhwa high-tech materials Adhesive Supply